게임 끊은지 #5일째
일어난 시간: 6:50am
어젯밤 자러 간 시간: 1am
과제, 중요한 할 일들:
- thursday : 측량 데이터 정리해서 조장한테 보내기, 구조역학 과제
- Friday : 토질역학 과제 & 시험
오늘 일과 요약 #:
- 어제보다 훨씬 일찍 일어났다 :D
- 아침에 구조역학 공부 : 가상단위하중법 / 전단력과 휨모멘트 구하는 것 복습
- 수리학 수업이 있어서 학교를 갔으나 휴강이었음... ㅋㅋㅋ 재밌는 건 나 혼자 몰랐던 게 아니었다. 수업을 꼬박꼬박 안 나가니까 공지사항을 못 들어서 안 좋구나
- 오후에 구조역학 공부, 과제 : 가상단위하중법
오늘 잘 된 것: 가상단위하중법 연습문제를 풀이 없이 풀었다!
기분이 안 좋았을 때 : 급하게 측량 데이터 정리를 해야하는데 내가 너무 놀아서 아무것도 몰랐을 때. 심지어 저번 학기에도 측량은 너무 공부를 안 했다. 그냥 1년을 날렸다는 생각을 하니까 우울했다. 학교만 다니다가 졸업해도 실업자가 되는 건 아닐까 걱정이 되고 슬펐다.
작은 성취들: 구조역학 과제 60%라도 했다
아쉬웠던 점: snooze 기능 사용하지 않고 첫 알람 때 바로 일어나자
오늘 내가 고맙게 느꼈던 일:
오늘 일어난 일이나 한 일 중 놀라웠던 일 :
(Only major events. lecture time is not included)
Time I woke up: 6:50am
Time I went to sleep yesterday: 1am
- thursday : send survey data to team leader, structural mechanics assignment
- Friday : soil mechanics assignment & exam
Summary of Day #:
- woke up earlier in the morning than yesterday :D
- studied structural mechanics in the morning : principle of virtual work / reviewed 'shear force & bending moment' chapter
- I went to school to attend hydralics class. However there was no lecture. Funny thing was that I was not the only one who didn't know about that. There were 2 more students who went to the classroom... ;) I won't miss lectures from now on. Because there is possibility that I cannot be informed about next class, exam, or assignments.
- In the evening, suddenly I got noticed by colleagues that I have to submit survey data until tomorrow so I did it roughly.
- studied structural mechanics & did assignment in the evening : principle of virtual work in truss
- I worked really hard to finish structural mechanics assignment but I failed to finish it. I did 60% of it and have to submit this tomorrow.
What went well today: solved a virtual work principle problem without a solution!
The worst moment of the day : I had to submit survey data but I knew nothing about it because I didn't study for a long time. I didn't even study at the last semester. I did nothing for one year. That made me so depressed. I was worried about that I could be unemployed after graduation.
Miscellaneous accomplishments: I did 60% of structural mechanics assignment.
What I could have done to make my day better: not using 'snooze' button. should have woke up right away when the first alarm rang
Today I'm grateful for:
One amazing thing that happened/I did today : I think I am really stupid, but I didn't give up yet.
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