일어난 시간 : 6:50am
어젯밤 자러 간 시간 : 12:50am
과제, 중요한 할 일들 :
- Friday : 토질역학 과제 & 시험
오늘 일과 요약 # :
- 측량 수업 갔는데 휴강이었음. 웃긴 건 수업 나온 사람이 14명이나 됐음
- 대통령 후보 토론회를 밥먹을 때마다 봄. 오늘 오전에 30분가량 쉬면서 추가적으로 봤음
- 오전에 측량 수업을 안 하고 잠깐 쉬니까 나른해졌다. 다시 어제처럼 최선을 다해 남은 시간을 써야겠다.
- 방방 뛰면서 웃으니까 좀 정신병자같지만 기분이 좀 좋아지는 것같다.
- 저녁에 친구랑 치킨 먹음. 시험 기간이라 오래 이렇게 있지 못하는 게 아쉬웠다.
오늘 잘 된 것 : 딱히 없음. 일찍 일어난 것
기분이 안 좋았던 일 : 토질역학 공부를 해야하지만 양이 너무 많아서 싫었다.
작은 성취들 : 늦잠 안 잠.
아쉬웠던 점 : 밤에 너무 오래 놀았다.
오늘 내가 고맙게 느꼈던 일 : 내가 모르는 내용 친구가 알려줌
오늘 일어난 일이나 한 일 중 놀라웠던 일 : 없음
(Only major events. lecture time is not included. click the image to see bigger picture)
Day #6
Time I woke up : 6:50am
Time I went to sleep yesterday : 12:50am
Projects :
- Friday : soil mechanics assignment & exam
Summary of Day # :
- went to take survey class. But there was no class. Funny thing was that there were 14 people who went to take the class.
- I'm being lazy because there were no class in the morning. I should be more productive like yesterday.
- I jumped and laughed like an insane person to feel better... It felt really crazy but it works...
- There was a quiz when I went to structural mechanics class. It was a quiz that is not informed to students.
- The friend and I had fried chickens for dinner. We couldn't stay together more because of exam. It wasn't good.
- I played too long at night, watching funny youtube videos. I kept thinking like, 'one more video... This is going to be the last one.' I was doing good but I failed today. I'm disappointed to myself.
What went well today : nothing...? I woke up early.
Miscellaneous accomplishments : woke up early
What I could have done to make my day better : watched youtube videos too long in the night time
Today I'm grateful for : I had some questions about soil mechanics, and my friend helped me
One amazing thing that happened/I did today : nothing
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